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Title: Renegade Valkyrie (Valhalla’s Curse Book 1)
Author: Stacy Claflin
Cover: Stacy gave me the permission to use the book cover on my blog.


She’s an angel of death, but her life is in danger.

Soleil is a Valkyrie, cursed to obey the laws of Valhalla—laws she’s been skirting for centuries. But when she uses her sword to protect a friend rather than to eliminate her assigned target, she crosses that fine line. Now her species is coming for her. Compounding problems, she’s also in the crosshairs of a powerful, vindictive witch who wants retribution for the murder of her sister.

It’s the worst possible time for her emotions to surface, so of course they do. While dealing with danger, she struggles with moving past the death of her fiancé and budding feelings for her best friend, Titan. Soleil already stays away from her former pack to protect them, now she feels she should leave Titan too, to keep him safe. But she can’t bear to do it.

Now she’s put him in danger, as well as some of her old allies and new friends. It would be in everyone’s best interest if she ran. But she can’t. She won’t. And her fate comes down to an epic battle between supernatural forces—a battle she’s ill-equipped to win.

Read Renegade Valkyrie today to start this exciting new series!

My review:

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for a honest review.

Damn, I didn’t know this story would end with a cliffhanger. I’m hooked on finding out what will happen to Soleil. She’s a Valkyrie who used her sword to kill a witch so Valhalla is out for her. She wants to get her mission done, hoping they’ll let her go without punishment or worse. She lives with a hot mesmer and while out dancing she finds herself in front of the witch who’s sister she killed and now Eveline wants her death. Since this is an ancient witch she knows of the anti-Valkyrie call, so Soleil doesn’t know how to kill her so she and Tristan go back to the club with a plan that goes terribly wrong. From there Soleil has to go through a lot in order to not being killed by Eveline. It’s such a thrilling story that I wish I didn’t have to wait for the next book to come out next month! Very well done Stacy, another series I can’t get enough of!